Bath therapy has been around since ancient times. Also used for healing, rejuvenating, and cleansing rituals at times.

Did you know that taking Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) baths can dramatically reduce the signs of aging?  Ahhh…!  I got your attention.  Well, let me explain.  Bicarbonate (HCO3) mixed with Citric Acid will produce CO₂ gas.  Bath bombs can also be known as CO₂ bath products.  These baths will change your PH levels to less acidic and more alkaline increasing oxygen levels.  Carbon Dioxide protects against tissue damage.  Increase levels of CO₂ allow more oxygen to be released into the blood vessels increasing oxygen into the skin restoring the skin to a natural state by activating cell metabolism.  CO₂ will revitalize, rejuvenate, brighten, and firm the skin making radiant in addition to soothing the skin.  CO₂ is the gas that we exhale as waste when we brethe, the same gas that plants need to live.   We all need CO₂ to live.

The adsorption of CO₂ gas through the skin will expand the blood vessels increasing blood flow as a result helping poor circulation also serving as a muscle relaxer.  CO₂ water bathing helps reduce pulse and high blood pressure, bed sores, gangrene, foot fungus, eczema, and fatigue just to name a few benefits.

Fresh Cookie Fizzy Salt

These fizzy balls and salts are designed to detox, exfoliate, moisturize, and smooth the skin.  It Epson salt, essential oils, and botanical content helps as a muscle relaxer releasing aches and pain as well as stress.  The natural oils are designed as an aromatherapy agent with many additional medicinal benefits.  The mineral salt content peels aged layers of the skin removing dead cells.  For better results the use of a loofah is recommended to properly remove dead skin.  CO₂ comes from living energy and it goes back into creating energy.

Just be mindful that too much or too little of anything is not good.  CO₂ is ok when found in normal levels in the blood.  Increase or lower levels of CO₂ can result in medical complications.  Lower than normal levels can hinder the ability to produce oxygen.  Please consult your doctors if you want your bicarbonate blood levels to be assessed.

Note:  We don’t recommend the use of bath bombs or salt infused baths for pregnant women or lactating mothers. Please consult your physician.  The information gathered in this post is not to substitute any prescriptions provided by a licensed medical professional.  Hope you enjoy our post today if you looking for information on natural, organic bath bombs please visit our website at

We always like to give a little something to our readers.  Here you have an easy bath bomb recipe for you.

Treat yourself today, make it a spa day!!

  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • ½ cup of citric acid
  • ½ cup of corn starch
  • ½ cup of Epson salt (you can substitute for ¼ cup of mineral salt and ¼ of Epson salt)
  • 2 tbsp. of carrier oil coconut oil
  • 2 drop of natural food coloring (for a vegan friendly recipe you can use fruits or veggies as a natural colorant like beats, strawberries, or greens)
  • 6 drops of essential oils (100% natural your choice, lavender, rosemary, peppermint etc.)
  • 2 drops of vitamin E (optional natural preservative)
  • ½ tbsp. of water to moist

Mix all dry ingredients.  In a separate container mix all wet ingredients including the food coloring.  Then add all the wet ingredients to dry mixture and mix well.  Make sure you have the color desired for a more intense color just add more food coloring.  Please note if made a natural food coloring that is water base, it’ll active the citric acid if you add too much water.  A half of table spoon of water/coloring should be sufficient to damp the mixture; you don’t want to cause a fizzy relation.  If the mixture is too moist is will activate and continue to expand.  Get any plastic or silicon mold and compact the mixture firmly and leave it to dry.  I recommend drying for 24 hrs. for easier removal.

Hope you enjoy this post.  Please share your bath bombs experiences with us.  We want to here from you.


Skin Candy Spa Products




Get Your Skin Ready For Fall

Hello everyone, it has been a while since I communicated.  Now I’m back after a long summer break.  Summer a great time to kick back, relax, and have fun.  Now with the wonderful activities that came with summer, other things that are not so good for us followed with the territory.  Things like, extreme sun exposure, resulting in aging skin, sun spots, and sun damage just to name a few. In some extreme cases you can increase the risk of getting skin cancer.  We hope that you were diligent with your skin care routine this summer and provided much protection from the sun.  While the sun rays felt good we don’t what for your next seasons to be consumed by spending time and money in expensive skin repair products.

We want to stay hopeful that over exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays didn’t damage many elastin fibers and collagen tissue found in the skin.  Otherwise, we would have a serious case of lose, saggy, and stretched skin.  Don’t be alarm! We will show you natural ways to restore your skin to a healthy state using natural, organic ingredients to nurse it back to health. I say, “It is now time to get your skin ready for fall!”

sugar scrubs

Ingredients (4.o oz. container)

  • 4 spoons of organic cane sugar (you can substitute for any brown sugar of your choice)
  • 2 spoons of natural oatmeal (You can grind for a finer consistency)
  • 2 spoons of raw honey (not pasteurized)
  • 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil
  • 2 drops of vitamin E (natural preservative)

Mix all ingredients together and store in a glass container.  The vitamin E serves as a natural preservative expanding its shelf life.  This particular scrub even though is composed of natural ingredients has a long shelf life.  You can store for up to three months.  Also know that sweet almond oil is infused with vitamin E.  This is a double dosage of vitamin E great for your skin. Yay!!

Special note if you are not sure if you are allergic to any of the natural products listed in this DIY sugar scrub a skin test is highly recommended before use.  Just place a small amount on the side of your hand and rub gently leave for a few minutes and rise with water.  If no allergic reaction is detected that proceed to use.  To apply rise your face and body with warm water to open the pores.  Exfoliate your face and body with the scrub by rubbing the blend in circular motion on your skin let sit for a few minutes. Then rise with warm water to remove all dead skin a luffa sponge is recommended for the body but not necessary.  Once everything has been removed, you can rise with cold water to close the pores.  Do not follow with soap or any other cleansing agents.  Let the natural ingredients do what they are meant to do.  Restore the skin!

Today I have chosen a homemade scrub to nourish your skin from your summer blues.  Restoring its natural glow and addressing other things like skin discoloration maybe caused by overexposure to the sun or other tanning alternative like indoor tanning and tanning products which are also harmful to the skin.

This honey and oatmeal blend will be your skin saver.  This bad boy is infused with natural organic cane sugar, great to exfoliate and remove dead skin. This treatment is composed of raw honey a natural antibiotic, antioxidant good to treat acne, wrinkles, and aging skin.  Honey serves as a humectant which attracts and retrains moisture creating a smooth glow to your skin.  Natural oats or oatmeal is the perfect ingredient for sensitive skin. This ingredient is also known as bleaching agent which will soothe the skin and diminish dark spots.  Sweet Almond oil infused vitamin E smooth and mild carrier oil that easily penetrates the skin, carrying the medicinal properties for all the other ingredients into your pores nourishing your skin in an instant.  Vitamin E reduces the appearance of wrinkles leaving you looking youthful at any age.  This is good natural stuff!!  Take a trip to your pantry today and make it a spa day!!  If it’s good enough to eat, then it is perfect for your skin!

If you are looking for other natural products please visit our website at:  We carry our Honey Bee handcrafted soap, and scrub perfect for daily use with the same medicinal properties listed as this DIY sugar scrub.  Our Honey Bee bath bombs are also available as a special treat.  Visit our site today for more information.

Remember your natural is always beautiful at any age!!


Skin Candy Spa Products



Rosemary a Wonder Herb

I must say, I love, love, ROSEMARY this wonder herb is great for many different things. You can experiment with it when exercising your culinary skills, or if you play with creating your own bath and body products.  Per Wikipedia this herb is known as:
Rosmarinus officinalis, commonly known as rosemary, is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple, or blue flowers …   Rosemary is an herb. Oil is extracted from the leaf and used to make medicine.  You can research other sources for a more creditable definition or more information.


I personally use rosemary for cooking, this herbs has such a great aroma giving fish, poultry or meats a great savory taste.  I also use it in creating our Skin Candy handcrafted soaps and other bath and body products.  Stringently enough, when using our Simply Fresh rosemary soap bar, I found that it’s great for untangling my hair.  This is a blessing for me with C 3 type curls.   But that is not it’s only benefit, it’s known for helping with hair loss, it’s also good for many other ailments.  WebMD have listed the following medicinal uses for Rosemary:

It is used for digestion problems, including heartburn, intestinal gas (flatulence), liver and gallbladder complaints, and loss of appetite. It is also used for gout, cough, headache, high blood pressure, and reducing age-related memory loss.

Rosemary is used topically (applied to the skin) for preventing and treating baldness; and treating circulation problems, toothache, a skin condition called eczema, and joint or muscle pain such as myalgia, sciatica, and intercostal neuralgia. It is also used for wound healing, in bath therapy (balneotherapy), and as an insect repellent.
Unfortunately some women use rosemary to increase menstrual flow and causing abortions.  We don’t recommend.

We at Skin Candy use Rosemary in manufacturing our soaps and other bath and body products using the essential oils as a component to scent our products.   For more Skin Candy Spa Product information please visit our website at:

We always like to include a little something for our wonderful readers.  Today we have our special rosemary bath salt scrub recipe.  Please treat yourself, and provide your body some much needed Skin Candy:

Today’s relaxing rosemary recipe:

  • 1 cup of sea salt (you can granulate to taste)
  • ½ cup of Epson salt
  • 2 table spoon of almond oil
  • 5 to 8 drops of rosemary essential oils (You can use less if you have sensitive skin)
  • You can include a few needles of fresh rosemary for an extra bang! (optional)

Start your weekend with a bang! Run a warm bath combine all your ingredients and immerse yourself in this bath of goodness, you deserve it!  Note:  Please make sure to do a skin test before bathing.  Rosemary can cause an allergic reaction or it can irritate your skin depending on how potent the essential oil used is.  Enjoy this wonderful treat!


Skin Candy Spa Products

Why Love Lavender?

I want to talk about the wonderful medicinal benefits of lavender. One of my favorite herbs to use in our bath and body line Skin Candy Spa Products. Lavender is highly regarded for skin and beauty commonly used in fragrances, bath and body products. In a general Google search you will find that lavender is defined as a small aromatic evergreen shrub of the mint family, with narrow leaves and bluish-purple flowers.  Lavender has been widely used in perfumery and medicine since ancient times.  Its antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti fungal properties help to treat infections, menstrual cramps, indigestion, and many more ailments.


Best known for its aromatic therapy, the scent from the essential oil is used to promote wellness and calm.  Lavender greatly used in aromatherapy today in many health and wellness spa, salons, and medical facilities. Since ancient times, some studies suggest that lavender is used to treat many different illnesses, such as:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Skin irritation
  • Hair loss
  • Toothaches
  • Acne
  • Cancer

Lavender essential oil is a great source to battle insomnia, a great natural sleep aid that promotes calmness.  Some individual use the essential oil topically or use the fresh blooms under their pillow for a better night’s sleep.

Today I want to share with you a simple lavender fizz bath recipe to battle those sleepless nights

  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ½ of citric acid
  • ½ of Epson salt
  • 2 tablespoon of coconut oil (or any other carrier oils of your choice)
  • 8 drops of lavender essential oils (You may increase to decrease dosage to your preference.  Be mindful of the pureness of the essential oil, it can cause skin irritation if too potent.)

Mix all your dry ingredients and add them to a warm bath.  Melt the coconut oil if it’s solid form.  Proceed to add all your wet ingredients.  Enjoy your evening with a good read or just close your eyes and take it all in.  This is a great fizzy bath that will detox and moisturize your skin leaving you feeling fresh, relax and Stressless.  You can complement your bath with your favorite lavender infused tea.  Make this a lavender night and enjoy your zzzzz…..

If your are looking for lavender infused products, go to and see our lavender Stressless bars, bath bombs, and body fizzy salts.

Enjoy and be blessed!

Indulge with SKIN CANDY: Our Story

These past two years I have been on a quest to find my happiness.  I didn’t know that this endeavor would take me to a place of faith, soul searching, and healing.  With all that came a lifestyle change, love, struggles, art, and PEACE.  Through all that Skin Candy a bath and body line was born assembled from organic products in the process of becoming completely organic.  This product own by Stylish Party Ideas has been therapeutic for me. Increasing my creativity to new heights.  Allowing me to become self confident and believing that I can do anything in Greatness.
 After teaching many crafting classes using different mediums in our SPI Art Studio.  Skin Candy a sister company of Stylish Party Ideas was created.  With endless possibilities, no money nor resources I had to tap into my new found faith for deliverance.    With plenty of ideas, no product, no customers but a dream of incredible possibilities my husband and I embarked in this journey with no idea where the road would lead us.
Mad community support  has come to the rescue and many donations of recyclable items make their way to our shop daily.   Being a person of faith I say the LORD is proving for us each and everyday.  After six months of self employment and still working this dream.  I’m thankful for the present moment.  Now I can see that our possibilities are endless and my dream it so much smaller than what the CREATOR has in-stored for us.
Through this journey came the need to self cleanse.  Trying to eat healthier and live a better life I found myself revisiting old habits of seeking organic products, aromatherapy, herbal remedies, and all around wellness. I know we still have a long way to go.  But through this quest of happiness I found a new passion for taking care of myself, my body, and my environment.  That’s how I came to the art of soaping.  Through the ART of DIY in our SPI Art Studio I found myself handcrafting soaps and body products concocted from organic herbs, flowers, oils, and spices. These blends are specially designed to nourish and treat your skin providing much needed TLC. Through this journey as I educate myself I promise to share my knowledge with others.  I pledge to find old ideas to do new things for the betterment of ourselves, our body, and our environment.  I hope you find this journey as joyful as we do.  Come and experience the great gift of nature.  Indulge with Skin Candy give your skin a sweet treat today.