The Wonders of Repurposing Coffee Grounds

A cup of java a day keeps me sane and now you will see why you need to add it to your skincare routine every day.  So start recycling your coffee ground for added skin benefits.  I knew there was something special about coffee.  Here it is!!  You can use it for many beauty tips such as to exfoliate your skin, it can reduce puffiness under your eyes, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.  Caffeine, when applied topically to the skin, constricts the blood vessels under the skin and helps reduce swelling.  In my research I found that coffee is loaded with antioxidants, which can prevent premature skin aging.  What???  I’m increasing my daily dosage.  Do note, too much of anything is not good, so please use this skincare regime in moderation.

Coffee is known to:

  • Reduce Eye Puffiness
  • Exfoliates the Skin
  • Tightens the Skin
  • Brightens the Skin


Our gift for you today, a coffee handmade recipe so you can too start re-purposing your coffee…

  1. ½ Cup ground caffeinated coffee
  2. ¼ Cup Raw honey
  3. 3 Table spoons of Sweet Almond Oil

Mix all ingredients the sweet almond oil is infused with vitamin E which act as a preservative adding shelve life to your scrub.  Keep at room temperature in a sealed glass jar.  Apply this mud of goodness topically to dry areas on your body and gently rub in circular motion exfoliating the skin.  Let it sit for two to three minutes and then rise, is recommended to cover your drain with mesh to avoid clogging the drain.

If you are looking for coffee made products for your skincare routine you can visit our website at: we carry two coffee blends: Coffee Rub and Vanilla Latte.  We have handcrafted soaps and scrubs for both blends.

Hope you enjoy this post.  Please leave your comments or suggestions.  Be blessed!!